Ooblets — Review

by Glumberland

There’s something special about following the development of a video game and patiently — or impatiently — awaiting its arrival. Ooblets has been on the forefront of the indie game world for years, as gamers, fans of the adorable, and wholesome aficionados continued to watch the game grow. Pun intended.

And oh boy, was it worth the wait.

The game was released on Xbox One and the Epic Games Store (PC) yesterday (July 15), and already it’s in my discussion for most euphoric game experiences of all-time.

For a moment, I just wanted the game to come out. Thinking, in my ignorance, that it would just be a farming game in which players grow crops, and gathered cute little creatures for their collection.

I’ve never been more happy to be wrong.

In a surprise twist, there is so much to do in Ooblets, and the repetition of waking up, checking your crops, collecting your Ooblet team, and heading into town for a days worth of quests is unforgivably wonderful.

As it turns out, the developers at Glumberland had bigger and better ideas for their pastel masterpiece, and it makes for one of the most addictive cycles in gaming today.

Yes, there is a loop of planting, harvesting, clearing, and selling or giving to be completed at your own leisure for quests. However, that’s not where the game ends.

All around the town are little groups of randomly picked Ooblets, just milling about their everyday lives. That is, until you come along with your team of rag-tag squad members to challenge them in a dance battle — in which players use dance move cards to gain points in a battle system reminiscent of Magic: The Gathering or Hearthstone.

If you win, your opponent will produce a seed for you to grow one of their kind of Ooblet. This, is your essential team-building and collection-filling loop.

Randomized cards, level-up growth for your Ooblets, unique moves, and some of the best music in gaming today, all make for a battle system that never seems to tire, and always feels like a fresh experience.


The world of Ooblets can easily be described with a single word; flavor.

From the pastel, semi-polygonal art-style, to the obnoxiously amazing cute-world fulfilling names for things, Ooblets had me giggling at every turn.

Aesthetically, this world may be among my favorites ever designed. In addition to the look, the mumbly voice sounds, store muzak, and wildly relevant quips about the real world, put a stamp on this experience unlike any other.

Cheeks flush and laugh-lines cemented, hours and hours went by without much effort what-so-ever.

Normally, the addition of the words “Early Access” are enough to make one question the depth and function of a video game. However, when it comes to Ooblets, it merely spells greater promise.

As is, Ooblets is one of the most fun, extremely adorable, and passionately cynical games available today, and the world, its systems, and the core loop is only going to improve as the game continues to be developed.

Even outside of the main gameplay scenario, Ooblets isn’t shy when offering players plenty to pontificate and obsess over. From buying new furniture to design your farmhouse, to clothing and accessories for both yourself and your Ooblets, and even a Stardew-like friendship leveling system between you and the townsfolk, there is never a moment when you aren’t planning or doing.

Crossing your T’s and dotting your I’s has never been more magical, and I personally cannot wait to see how much better this game gets over time.

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Developer — Glumberland
Publisher — Glumberland
Platform(s): Xbox One / Epic Games Store

4/5 — With a bright and colorful future ahead of it, Ooblets plants itself as a fun journey and sickeningly adorable adventure.